“Just when I think God couldn’t screw me any further, He gets out the ol’ Black & Decker and twists a little harder!”

To properly appreciate my tragedy, I must first present you with some brief background: we are going to get new carpeting in the library at the end of the month. For reasons I don’t really get (and aren’t important here anyways), the bottom slats on all the shelving have to be removed in order for this to happen. (The bottom framework of the shelf is still there, so I don’t see how removing just the shelf slat itself is going to help any — but it’s, again, besides the point.)

What this means for us librarians is that all the books on bottom shelves, throughout the entire top floor of the library, have to be taken off. And, since the carpet isn’t coming until the end of the month, we can’t just box the books and shove them into a back storage area somewhere; everything has to be shifted so that the books on the bottom shelf can be worked into the rest of the upper levels of shelving.


I was wandering round the library yesterday on some or another mission, either trying to get ready for Summer Reading (which starts June 2) or the Big-Ass Program From Hell (taking place in a week and a half, and which I’m actually looking forward to, but which I am terrified will only attract a dozen or so kids, which would be disastrous, considering how much time and money I’ve sunk into it). And one of our pages comes up to me, holding a book with a label destining it for the teen room. She’s obviously been trying to reshelve it and run into a problem.

“What’s with the teen room?” she asks me.

Oh, _Gawd_.

“What do you mean?” I ask, not suspecting anything in particular but already pre-horror-struck.

She takes me back into the teen room. You can tell, just at a glance, that something is wrong, but it’s not immediately apparent what. The books are all on the shelves, but they look stuffed in, all haphazard, without an empty spot to be found.

I have to get closer to work it out, but then I see it. I get it.

Many places in the library already don’t have books on their bottom shelves, because it’s more aesthetically pleasing to leave them empty (it’s also easier on both patrons and pages, to not have to reach that far down to pick up or place back a book). But the teen room has always been pressed for space, so I have made good use of my bottom shelving.

But the bottom shelves are all empty now.

Now, our janitor could have talked to me. Our janitor could have asked me to shift the books so that the bottom shelving was empty for him to remove the bottom slatting. The rug installation doesn’t start until the end of the month, and I could have had all the books shifted, working by myself, in probably an hour, two at most, leaving our janitor free to remove the slats. Instead, what our janitor had chosen to do was to take all the books on the bottom shelves — ALL the bottom shelves, in the entire teen section — and jam said tomes into whatever empty spaces were available on the remaining shelves. Few, if any, shelves in the teen room had been completely filled; you never completely fill a shelf if you can help it, because you want to leave room for books that patrons will return later. So many of the shelves had (and I do mean had) room left on them towards the end; most had been only 2/3rds or 3/4ths filled.

Now they’re all filled, because the janitor has stuffed bottom-shelf books onto those empty gaps however they would fit. And I do mean however — books from the M’s have been shoved onto the A-B shelf, non-fiction books have been stuffed into the paperback section, and some leftover random titles had been mixed together and stood atop the shelves ringing the walls.

The entire room — which is now 80 shelves, with a hundred shelves’ worth of books shoved on them completely out of order — have to be reorganized. By me. Me and whatever pages have time to help me out.

At one point yesterday, somebody, trying (I assume) to make me feel better, offered, “Maybe he didn’t realize that they were in any kind of order.”


I can’t figure it. I visited a middle school on Tuesday and sat outside the cafeteria for three lunch periods to pass out flyers and bookmarks advertising the Big-Ass Program From Hell, and a school janitor came out to yell at me for giving the kids papers that they were going to then trash the school with. Perhaps the school janitor is in league with our janitor, in some sort of city-wide janitor cult, a la something you’d see in Scrubs, and the punishment devised for me was to completely and utterly trash my own work world. If that was the intention, all I can really say to them is: Well done, ladies and gentlemen. Well done.

The ironic punchline is that, directly after discovering the Shelving Fiasco, yesterday went _downhill_ from there.

6 Responses to “Just when I think God couldn’t screw me any further, He gets out the ol’ Black & Decker and twists a little harder!”

  1. shirty says:

    SWEET FANCY MOSES!!!!!!!!!!

    Did someone tell him to do that, or did he just take it upon himself? Because if someone *told* him . . . that someone must now be your sworn enemy.

    I don’t know how you kept yourself from flying into some kind of Carrie or Firestarter-like rage.

  2. Dawn says:

    *wincing* Dear lord, there are some stupid people out there. Anyone who’s worked in a library, hell, has even visited one knows that books need to be alphbetized. That’s just the natural order of things. As a former page whose had to alphbetize many, many books in her life I feel for ya. And believe me, if it wasn’t 6 hours away I’d be coming to help ya move those books. And to find some suitable punishment for said janitor aka the spawn. Maybe one of our mutual “friends” can help in that department. However, since I can’t be there I shall use whatever curse I know on the janitor.

  3. Magrat Pudifoot says:

    Well, it’s not like you had anything more important to be doing, since all your job entails is moving books around, right?

    (Have I mentioned that I’m at the padres’ now? My father is _still_ trying to convince me to come into work with him, as though my sitting at someone’s desk for nine hours will suddenly cure me of my “deviant” ideas about what constitutes a proper career…)

  4. Magrat Pudifoot says:

    And just for the record, I did not put that smilie at the end. I don’t know where it came from, and it’s kind of annoying me.

  5. The Author says:

    shirty — No, no one told him to do that; he just took it upon himself. There’s a Whole Further Saga that you’re sure to hear about later, but the short of it is thus: I have myself a new arch-nemesis. And, seeing as how it’s the Janitor, just call me J.D. (I guess this means I have to start indulging in random internal monologues and fantasy sequences … well, right, like I don’t do that anyways.)

    I don’t know how I kept myself from a good ol’ Stephen King Character Rage on his ass, but I feel I should get a raise, or at the very least an extra vacation day, for restraining myself.

    Dawn — Oh, yeah, he SO totally knew better! I am 100% convinced that he KNEW, he just did not CARE. Your suggestion of borrowing one of our mutual “friends” really made me smile, and I know just who I’ve got in mind for the job …

    Also: There are no words for how much I suck for not emailing you properly in ages, there really are not — but at this point, even my closer-living friends mostly think I’m dead, so believe me, it’s nothing personal. This month blows ASS. 😛

    (And look, that’s twice I’ve used “ass” in one response, now, let’s see if I can go three for three …)

    Magrat Puddifoot — Oh, no, nothing else at all, so I should in fact thank him for providing me with something to keep me occupied. Dumb-ass (yay!) that he is. Also: I don’t know what’s up with that smilie face either, but the sentiment before me made me grin in humor and sympathy. I don’t suppose it would help to say that he’s just worried about you? (You should still IGNORE him, but at least know that it’s ‘coz he’s worried about you … 😉 )

  6. Sheepy says:

    This physically pains me >.>

    (even if I go for original order 😉

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